Tom Thibodeau Fired After Change of Tactics


Minneapolis, Minnesota

The year and a half of Thibs’ rule of Minneapolis basketball has come crashing to a halt after a strange decision by the now former Timberwolves and Bulls head coach. Amidst a year of intense competition from top to bottom in the Western conference, Thibodeau’s usual hard nose grind-it-out tactics weren’t necessarily failing, but he felt a change was necessary. This feeling, a hope to climb into the top 8 led to Thibodeau changing everything from his coaching style to his after hours wardrobe.

“Look, you try things in this league. Some work, some don’t. I don’t regret anything and I thank Minnesota for the opportunity”. Thibodeau returned to his stoic self in his exit meetings with the media, and contested the idea that he had lost his sanity. “I recognize that some people viewed my style as a bit outdated, perhaps of a different era – in the spirit of winning I tried to institute some different things around the locker room, on the court, and in my personal life”, “Given more time who knows what would’ve happened?”

What Thibodeau is referring to is quite a change of direction from the coach Bulls and Wolves fans knew to grew and love. He was seen smiling a lot more, though it seemed strained and forced chimed in a few insiders. He also began to wear fun themed bowties instead of his usual formal tie, in order to create a more fun environment. This change was felt most dramatically on the court, where the usual intense set practices turned into more free flowing environments where Thiboedau instructed his players “Do what you want, guys. I’m cool with whatever”. Thibdoeau’s relaxed approach to practice and dress attire may have been the final straw for Minnesota brass who really hated his ugly mug.

This report will be updated as more information becomes available.

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